One of the first things an adjuster may ask for once a claim is reported is an incident report. We often receive questions from insureds as to why they need an incident report, and where they can find one.
Incident reports are documents completed by someone internally at an insured location, ideally as close to the time of loss as possible. They exist to create a record of a loss so that there is no confusion as to who was affected, what happened, where, and when it happened. An incident report should include the name of the insured location, and if possible, any witnesses to the loss, as well as who received the report of the loss.
Adjustors often ask for incident reports so that their claim file can be set up as accurately as possible, and they can identify the cause of loss and determine coverage effectively. It helps to confirm the record of the loss, so that everyone is on the same page.
It is advisable to make filling out an incident report a regular practice, and to include the incident report with any other information that you send when reporting a claim to your broker. If you need an example of an incident report to use or to help create your own, please check in with our office.
For more information, please contact us.