Just about every NYC property is faced with getting HPD (Housing Preservation & Development) violations. We’ve talked before about how important it is to take care of them as quickly as possible from an insurance standpoint. (If the property has a lot of them, insurance companies may decline to offer a quote.)
But also remember that it is cost-effective to address any outstanding violations within the allotted time frame to reduce the cost of penalty fees and get a more premium-friendly rate for the overall insurance for the property.
Even though there are different classes of types of violations and time periods allowed to correct them, try to think of it more as a safety and service grading rather than a report card from the HPD teacher with a number of Fs. Once corrected, you’ll have a safer property with a better quality of life for all, and you may even go to the head of the class!
They’ve made it easier than ever to do it online, whether it’s a new violation or an old one. Just make sure the property is registered and that an owner, officer, or managing agent is listed on the current valid registration, as they are the only ones who can certify.
The only exclusions from eCertification are lead-based paint violations and mold or vermin violations issued to properties in the AEP (Alternative Enforcement Program).