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6 Tips for Summer Driving Safety

By June 23, 2011April 15th, 2018General Updates

The summer months tend to be the most enticing time of year to travel as school is out and the weather is beyond compare. This is a bad mix as the summertime also tends to be the most dangerous driving season as 7 out of 10 of the most dangerous days to travel fall between the months of June through August (according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Whether you’re taking road trips with friends, visiting family picnics, or enjoying those never-ending beach days, we hope that you will stay safe when traveling this summer. In an effort to keep your summer memories happy, we urge you to read this list of 6 Tips for Summer Driving Safety:

  1. Never leave children or pets unattended in or near a car- Temperatures can reach deadly levels in a very short amount of time during hot weather.
  2. Know where your children are when moving the car
    It may seem like common sense- but many mistakes occur when people are rushing to get somewhere. It helps to be sure children under 12 are secured in age appropriate restraints in the backseat where they are the most safe.
  3. Always use a seat belt-
    Not only is it for your own safety and can save you in the event of an accident, but it can also help you avoid getting a ticket for a seatbelt violation.
  4. Don’t drink and drive-
    Even if you are below the legal limit of intoxication, your reaction time to avoid an accident is already impaired.
  5. Make sure you are prepared for a long drive-
    Get plenty of rest the day before travel to avoid fatigue and leave enough time to get to your destination to reduce stress.
  6. Be sure that your vehicle has been maintained properly-
    Before departing, check the following:
    -Make sure the oil and other fluids are at proper levels.
    -Check to see that your windshield wipers and all lights are working correctly.
    -Make sure the tires are properly inflated and that the treads are not worn out.

A clean driving record free from accidents can keep your car insurance premium low. If you have any questions about insuring your vehicle or any other insurance questions, feel free to call us at (516) 431-9100. Have a great day!

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