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How to Create a Business Continuity Plan

By September 17, 2014March 1st, 2021Business Protection
business plan

A business continuity plan (BCT) is a document that outlines a formal plan to keep a business afloat after a catastrophic event. The purpose of a business continuity plan is to ensure that a company does not have to close its doors after a disaster.

According to FEMA, a business continuity plan includes four steps:

  • Conduct a business impact analysis to identify time-sensitive or critical business functions and processes and the resources that support them.
  • Identify, document, and implement how to recover critical business functions and processes.
  • Organize a business continuity team and compile a business continuity plan to manage a business disruption.
  • Conduct training for the business continuity team and testing and exercises to evaluate recovery strategies and the plan.

Information technology (IT) includes many components such as networks, servers, desktop and laptop computers and wireless devices. The ability to run both office productivity and enterprise software is critical. Therefore, recovery strategies for information technology should be developed so technology can be restored in time to meet the needs of the business. Manual workarounds should be part of the IT plan so business can continue while computer systems are being restored. (Source: FEMA)

We encourage you to visit FEMA’s website learn more about how to develop a business continuity plan or how to improve your current plan.

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