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Home Maintenance: Your Top 5 End-of-Summer To-Dos

By August 19, 2014February 19th, 2021Personal Protection
home maintenance wheel barrel in garden with tools

While the weather is warm, now is the perfect time to perform home maintenance on your property. These end-of-summer home maintenance tips will help you prepare your home for the cooler weather to come.

Clean the gutters

It’s important to clean your gutters regularly. Thoroughly remove all leaves and debris to prevent water damage in your house. If you don’t have a ladder that can safely reach your gutters, call a professional to do the job.

Inspect driveway and walkways

Fill cracks and fix loose pavement in your driveway and walkway. Whether it’s asphalt or concrete, the more proactive you are at repairing, the longer it will last without the need for expensive resurfacing.

Change and clean filters

Check the air filter of your heating system. Depending on the model, you should clean or replace it. This will boost efficiency, but it will also save you money in the process.


Take advantage of the nice weather and cut back or remove unstable limbs. One severe storm can break a tree limb and damage your property.

Check windows for drafts

Go through your home and open windows to ensure the seal and caulking around the window frame is in good condition. This will help keep your home from losing heat in the winter.

What home maintenance projects are you doing before the end of summer? Let us know in the comments section below.

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